University of Phoenix

The University of Phoenix (UOPX) is an American revenue driven foundation of higher learning, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. The college has an open-enlistment confirmation arrangement, requiring a secondary school recognition, GED, or its proportionate as its foundation for admissions.[4] The college has 112 grounds overall and presents degrees in more than 100 degree programs at the partner, bachelor's, expert's and doctoral degree levels.[5] It is an entirely claimed auxiliary of Apollo Group Inc., a traded on an open market (NASDAQ: APOL) Phoenix-based enterprise that possesses a few for-benefit instructive establishments.

The college offers degree programs through seven universities and two schools:

School of Advanced Studies

Institute of Business

School of Criminal Justice and Security

School of Education

School of Humanities

School of Information Systems and Technology

School of Natural Sciences

School of Nursing

School of Social Sciences

Notwithstanding its customary training programs, the school offers proceeding with instruction courses for educators and experts, proficient advancement courses for organizations, and particular courses of study for military faculty.

Understudies burn through 20 to 24 hours with a teacher amid every course, contrasted and around 40 hours at a traditional[vague] college. The college obliges understudies to work together by taking a shot at learning group ventures, wherein the class is separated into learning groups of four to five understudies. Every learning group is doled out a group gathering where colleagues examine the venture and present their tons of the learning group task for arrangement by the selected learning group pioneer. The idea of learning groups is to some degree unprecedented in conventional the educated community; on the other hand, the University of Phoenix trusts that teaming up on activities and having people depend on one another mirrors the genuine working states of the corporate world.[19]

Through its online gateway, eCampus, understudies additionally have admittance to programming required for coursework. Understudies have entry to virtual organizations made by the college to give understudies assignments, which Adam Honea, UOPX's senior member and executive, cases are more sensible than those accessible with case studies.In August 2011, Apollo bunch declared it would purchase 100% of Carnegie Learning to quicken its endeavors to fuse versatile learning into its scholarly stage.

A few scholastics and previous understudies feel the truncated courses and the utilization of learning groups result in a second rate instruction. The University of Phoenix has been censured for absence of scholastic meticulousness. Henry M. Levin, an educator of advanced education at Teachers College at Columbia University, called its business degree a "MBA Lite," saying "I've taken a gander at [its] course materials. It's a low level of instruction."[23] In May 2008, the college declared the development of the University of Phoenix National Research Center, intended to think about which showing strategies work best for nontraditional understudies.
University of Phoenix University of Phoenix Reviewed by Unknown on 02:33:00 Rating: 5

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